Goat Meat & Kid Goat

Order in advance, to avoid disappointment!

Mature Male Goat is in stock

If you have previously enjoyed our Goat Diced ON the bone product, or considered purchasing but not quite been persuaded, this meat is even better. Leaner. Meatier. Tastier. “Goatier”

If you wish to order male goat meat, we are dispatching orders on a first come first served basis – so order immediately to avoid disappointment!

Don’t forget to add your offal and other tasty favourites at checkout.

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Kid Goat Diced ON the bone

Young goat meat is lean, tender and delicate. If you know, you know!

Order now while stocks last »

Order a Whole Adult Goat

The best value for money, for the curry goat dish you know and love.

Buy a whole goat today >>