Kid Goat Shoulder


Delicious roasted low and slow for the whole family to enjoy. Shoulder joint – not diced on the bone. Please see our Kid Goat Diced ON the bone product for curry pieces

SKU: 2006 Category:


Joint TypeGuestsJoint Size
Kid Leg Bone-in4 - 5 people2Kg Joint
Kid Leg Boneless6 people1.2Kg Joint
Kid Shoulder Bone-in4 people2Kg Joint
Kid Shoulder Boneless4 - 5 people1.2Kg Joint

Our kid goat shoulders vary in size, please choose the option best for your recipe. They make a delicious joint when you braise them low and slow. Try cooking the kid goat shoulder in red wine or stock for a really special roast. Kid goat goes really well with sweet flavours such as dates and prunes. Try this for XMAS with a twist  Pulled Kid Goat Shoulder with Sticky Pomegranate Glaze recipe for something a bit different.

Our Kid Goat meat is all British reared. Kid Goat is the premium Goat meat product, it is the youngest and leanest that we can offer. Younger than 12 months, these kids are by-products of the dairy industry and  support sustainable British farming, which helps to reduce waste and increase animal welfare.

Additional information

Weight2 kg

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