Learn About Kid Goat Meat


Why is Kid Goat So Good?

Kid Goat Meat has had a lot of media attention over the past few years, championed by celebrity chefs and trendy restaurants alike. But Why?

Just like Adult Goat Meat, it is higher in iron and other essential minerals than ChickenBeefLambPork and most traditional meats. It also has much lower cholesterol and saturated fats within the meat – what fat there is, simply sits on the surface and can be easily trimmed at home or by your butcher.

Kid Goat also tastes fantastic – with a texture similar to Lamb, but without the overpowering flavour, it works fabulously in tagines and curries but is versatile enough to be roasted and barbecued too! More on that below…

What Kid Goat Cuts To Buy?

Kid Goat is so versatile it’s up to what you want to make!

You can also create homemade burgers, skewer kebabs, kid liver pate, pulled kid leg/shoulder.

There are so many options available to cook with Kid Goat, this is why buying a Half Kid Goat is such a popular option – everything is tasty and nothing gets wasted.

*some cuts are currently unavailable, but will be back in stock in July!

How Best To Cook Kid Goat?

The most important part – right?

On our website we have an extensive recipe section, full of Kid GoatAdult GoatBeefMuttonLambChicken and Pork recipes. ANY of these recipes is suitable for Kid Goat – it is simply that versatile!


Our Favourite Recipe: Pulled Kid Goat Shoulder with Sticky Pomegranate Glaze
An alternative to traditional pulled pork, with a sweet and sticky twist!
Serves: 6 people
Preparation: 20 minutes
Cooking Time: 5 hours

Tried Kid Goat before and liked it?

What about trying some premium British Adult Goat Meat – more flavour, more texture and stands up to spicy dishes even better!

We recommend: 1Kg Goat Leg Diced OFF

kid goat shoulder
Kid Goat diced on the bone
Half Kid Goat
kid goat chops