Goat Meat Cuts You Should Be Eating

We touched on this subject in June and had an incredible response and fantastic feedback from customers who enjoyed trying dishes that they would never have previously considered….

Goat Diced ON the bone and Goat Diced OFF the bone are the staple products that provide customers, for fantastic curries, tagines and casseroles. All cuts of our goat meat are lean and full of flavour, meaning there are many other tasty products that get overlooked.

Goat Mince is a prime example, made from our best Goat Diced OFF the bone cuts, approximately 95% VL (better than nearly all supermarket minces). The small percentage of lipids that remain are much lower in saturated fats, meaning goat meat Chilli con carne or goat meat Lasagne are unbelievably healthy as well as tasty!

Take a look at Goat Mince and our other suggestions below…

Goat Mince
Goat Mince
£15.99 – £139.90
Goat Burgers
Goat Burgers
£2.75 – £5.00
Goat Neck
Goat Neck
£4.99 – £6.49
Halal Goat Diced ON
Halal Goat Diced ON
£7.99 – £139.99
Goat Leg Diced OFF
Goat Leg Diced OFF
£16.99 – £47.97
Goat Chops
Goat Chops